Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mundan! July 30th, 2011

So it's official...I had my first hair cut! To my parents' surprise, I was pretty much okay with it, and I actually look very cute I must say (someone even told me I am carrying a bad boy look!)

Let me tell you all about the craziness that preceded my Mundan event!  The first order of the day was that I be fully rested beforehand, so mom and dad scrutinized and altered my usual nap schedule to allow me to get to the ceremony on time.  Second, I needed to look good for the occasion so I donned my festive Indian outfit and so did daddy and mommy! I did a fashion show (you guessed right! - it was mommy's idea of course)

My dance moves...

We decided against it and went for blue outfit..how royal?

I am ready for the ceremony....Now look at mommy and daddy dressed up in Indian outfits too! Clapping for that.....

The pundit was stuck in traffic for an HOUR! So I chatted around with my cousins..

I even decided to double check that all the ceremony details as requested by the pundit were in proper order, after all it's meant for my good luck!  I didn't wanna take any chances...

Then, the pundit came and I watched and sat through the entire ceremony.. My parents underestimated my abilities! See how quietly I am sitting!!.. I am getting all the blessings that I can get and more for my cousins and maybe even a few for Tio Fito... since he requested it!

Then came the moment of truth! Snip Snip...here goes the hair! Noooo...Aunt Reesa...Noooo Aunt Pami!!

Here we go! Don't stop now...

Oh well... They will grow back! But I must say I look pretty good...

Happy Mundan!!!


seema said...

oh my sweetpetite - you look awesome with or without your hair!!! so proud of you for achieving every milestone. you make your mom and dad proud everyday and you haven't even started.
love you soooooo much.


Tio Fito said...

Nice haircut little Dude.