Saturday, December 11, 2010

"Chanukah oh Chanukah come light the menorah!"

 Its been a fun past week or so..I learned about the traditions and story behind the festival of lights from my father.
Mommy and I have been busy learning the "driedel' song as it is so much fun. So we kicked off the first day of hanukah with lighting of the candles, chocolate gelt and yumm latkas.

On second day, We also picked up some "sufganiyot"  (haha..look at me all pro in the hanukah traditions..i cheated from my book that daddy got me :-) from the jewish bakery in east village.
On third day of hanukah, We went to go get some latkas ( the real deal!) from an old and very famous shop called "Russ and daughters" in lower east side.

On fifth day we went to Olivia's place to celebrate with family...I got some really cool toys and everyone played with me. I got to play with a dreidel too!

Oh how fun this has been! I ( rather my mommy!) cant stop humming ..."dreidel, dreidel dreidel...I made it out of clay, when its dry and ready, the dreidel I shall play!"

1 comment:

Cousin Ina said...

Beautiful pictures...looks like you had a wonderful Chanukah. We miss all of our cousins!!!